Introduction & Physical Appearance [sws_short s=”intro”]
Original Story Member: Sam Wambold.
Galia Sethrynn, born around MV885, died (about MV917) at 32 years old. She was about 5’6″ and 110 lbs., a pale complexion and short, straight black hair. She has no birthmarks, moles, warts or tattoos. She has a scar on her left, upper body that she hides. It has something to do with why she left Denryke (Ladesh?) Her health is good, albeit a little anemic.
Genealogy [sws_short s=”geneo”]
Her parents are unknown to anyone she’s asked. She grew up a street rat in Ladesh for the first twelve years of her life. No one really caring for her, rather just tolerating her presence. Her immediate family genealogy never plays directly into the plot or story line.
Personality Profile [sws_short s=”pers”]
Galia’s primary mode of living is focused internally, where she deals with things according to how she feels about them, or how they fit into her value system. Her secondary mode is external, where she takes things in via her five sense in a literal, concrete fashion.
She lives in the world of sensation possibilities. She is keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. She has a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and is likely to be an artist in some form, because she is unusually gifted at creating and composing things which will strongly affect the senses. Galia has a strong set of values, which she strives to consistently meet in her lives. She needs to feel as if she’s living her life in accordance with what she feel is right, and will rebel against anything which conflicts with that goal. She’s likely to choose jobs and careers which allow her the freedom of working towards the realization of her value-oriented personal goals.
Galia tends to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. She holds back her ideas and opinions except from those whom she is closest to.
To most observers of her “public” behavior she seems cheerful most of the time. In reality, her mood shifts seamlessly in order to manipulate people. She has no inhibitions and her only fear is whatever/whoever gave her the scar. She LIKES to hurt, LIKES to seduce. She is cruel because it’s all about power. Someone receiving cruel treatment will make her laugh in earnest. Hers is a nervous, sweet child’s laugh. She has no genuine friends. She is only annoyed by people she cannot seduce or hurt and she has never had a genuine romantic experience.
She may have an attachment to a locked box, somehow connected to the one person/thing she’s afraid of. Her voice quality is husky alto with a lyrical smooth style of speech. She has a favorite expression a kind of pick-up line. Leumas has yet to pen that down…
Her body language, way of movement is smooth and fluid. She always dresses to suit the moment, revealing as possible, but always hides her left shoulder and side, where the scar is.
If she were to choose a vacation spot, she’ go to Dach and in her spare time she’d probably prefer to carouse from inn to tavern to inn. Her favorite hideout would be somewhere in the secret areas of the Doorhan Estate. No-one stands as her hero. She has little formal schooling, though she does not like to, she can read, but only because of Brodin Doorhan. She has never really contemplated her life goal.
Want more? You might try the Personality Draft Generator.
Readers may be attracted to her out of sheer dislike for her, but she will be difficult to forget.
Profession [sws_short s=”prof”]
Slayer class.
Living Conditions, Situation or Domicile [sws_short s=”domi”]
She lived in Ladesh until she was 12 years old. Arrived in Teek at 16 years old. Currently resides alone just south of Rivercup, in a pretty shabby location, just a hole in the wall, literally.
Chronology Notes [sws_short s=”chron”]
- MV885 – Born to Dad and Mom in Ladesh.
- MV917 – Died near So-and-so City.